Development aid: call for projects linked to the water sector

The Brussels-Capital Region launches its first call for development aid projects linked to the water sector in countries of the South.
Are you aware of or concerned about issues relating to access to drinking water in developing countries? Are you part of an organization located in the Brussels-Capital Region? If so, this call for projects is for you!
The call, initiated by the Brussels-Capital Region, aims to co-finance initiatives concerning the installation of local public water management and purification services that are sufficient in terms of both quantity and quality. The objective is to provide access to these services for the entire population at an affordable and fair price.
“This very first call for projects comes further to the Region’s determination to respond to international efforts to make access to drinking water and the purification of water a basic right and will thus contribute towards the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)”, explained Environment Minister Céline Fremault.
The call for projects is intended for Brussels’ organizations capable of undertaking projects in the water sector, or with sufficient experience in implementing projects linked to water supply or purification.
Financing up to 80%
Between three and fifteen projects will be chosen. They will be co-financed for between € 10,000 and € 100,000 each, budgets permitting, over a period of one to three years. However, the financial contribution may not exceed 80% of the total budget, which means that the remaining 20% has to be provided by the organization leading the project. They can do so by using their own capital, looking for financial partners, etc.
To co-finance these projects, the HYDROBRU intermunicipal company is placing a total budget of € 304,919.51 at the disposal of the International Solidarity Fund. This sum was collected by levying a tax of € 0.005 per m³ of water invoiced by HYDROBRU last year.
Find out more

- The call for projects will be open until September 30th, 2015
- All necessary documents are available on the HYDROBRU and Bruxelles Environnement websites.