In Europe
Panellists seated in a semi-circle in front of a screen.

Throwback on the Belgian Soil Week

In the context of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, Brussels Environment hosted three consecutive days of events on soil management at European level. These events brought together a wide range of stakeholders, including political decision-makers, scientists and professionals.

The events were co-organised by the three Belgian regions, represented by the Public Flemish Waste Management Agency (OVAM), Walloon Region and Brussels Environment as well as the European networks NICOLE and Common Forum. Experts from Europe and even Quebec came to Brussels for the occasion. They discussed broad issues such as chemical pollution of soils or soil health and sustainable management at different levels.

Experts and stakeholders exchanged views on a variety of topics which led to contrustrive and enriching perspectives for the future of soil management.

The 3-day event was part of Belgian Soil Week. The final 2 days of Belgian Soil Week were organised by another European network dedicated to soil pollution, ENSOr.

This event is taking place in a fast-changing context at European level with in July 2023 the proposal for a directive on soil management that was approved by the European Commission.