AER Autumn Committee Plenaries
The delegates of over fifty European regions met from 24 to 26 September 2019 in Podčetrtek (Slovenia), for the autumn plenaries of the three Committees of the Assembly of European Regions (AER).
The AER‘s three Committees – “Economy & Regional Development”, “Social Policy & Public Health” and “Culture, Education & Youth” – held their autumn plenaries in Podčetrtek (Slovenia), from 24 to 26 September 2019.
A hundred delegates, from fifty European regions, were given a progress update for the various action plans. They were also able to attend a series of workshops and presentations about specific examples on a wide range of themes, including good governance for local and regional authorities, the importance of the cohesion policy, the sustainable development goals, mobility, e-Health, the protection of primary forests, and so on.
The AER programmes to which the Brussels-Capital Region (BRC) contributes, such as Eurodyssey or the Summer Academy, were also discussed and their results highlighted. The BRC’s representatives took advantage of the opportunity to announce the innovation conference that is being organised on 4 December 2019 in Brussels as part of Brussels’ vice-presidency of the AERand which is titled “Economy 4.0: shaping a future that works for everybody”.